Good Reads: History and now

This post is part of a series recommending narrative, longform journalism articles — the type of writing I’m nothing short of obsessed with.

Sometimes, you started reading an article and you don’t want beauty or fluff or even vivid imagery. Sometimes, you just want to learn something new, something that maybe won’t impact you on the job or street, but that will give a somewhat richer view of the world.

These four articles can do just that.

How do you memorialize a mob?  by Abby Rapoport, The Texas Observer

In 1862, a mob of Texans, driven by fear, anger, and hatred, took violent control of a citizens’ court in Gainesville, Texas, and caused the deaths of 40 men in what is called the Great Hanging. In the century and a half since, this event has been Gainesville’s skeleton in the closet.

Hello, my name is Stephen Glass and I’m sorry by Hanna Rosin, The New Republic

Sixteen years after his stories were uncovered as fabrications and The New Republic almost bit the dust because of it, Stephen Glass is confronted by his former best friend, Hanna Rosin, the author of this piece. If you’re not familiar with the story, watch this movie or read this article.

Between the lines: The history and revival of Inuit facial tattoos by Ashleigh Gaul, Compass Cultura

An interesting look at the Inuit heritage in Arctic Canada, the cultural impact of missionaries, and the return of traditional facial tattoos.

The view from Vista Bridge by Christen McCurdy,

After losing her best friend and roommate to suicide off Vista Bridge, Christen McCurdy investigates Portland’s tendency toward suicide and the efforts communities can make to preserve individuals’ lives.

Read anything interesting lately? Tell me about it.

Published by meredithsell

Freelance writer and editor. Nerding out over health & fitness, women's history, and untold stories.

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